Please allow 30 days for your item to fully cure​.​ All Items that will be handled often must be given the appropriate time before use. The decorated finish needs time to fully harden, to ensure the best quality and the longest lasting finish possible. Use prior to 30 days will jeopardize the quality of your items coating and may terminate the warranty.

All the products we use are specially designed for our process. We strive hard to have the highest quality, by using the best products. This helps to ensure the best results and durability.

CAUTION: Any product that will remove or discolor paint will harm the finish of your item. Insect repellant or the additive DEET will discolor or strip the finish. Sportsman who use spray on, should try to use clip on repellants or be wise of it being on their hands.

Gun solvents and cleaners will not harm the finish, when used in recommended amounts. Make sure items are clear of excess solvents.

Items that are used often, or hard use of your items, may result in the sharp edges of your item showing wear marks, gouges, and chips. These would not be considered product failure. Do Not Be Upset! The item can be fixed without starting over. Contact Us.​​

When properly cared for, the finish on your item will not only look great but it will protect your item from many of the elements that tend to harm uncoated materials. Simply wipe it down when you are done with it and you’re good to go.

If you have any concerns or questions, PLEASE don't hesitate to contact us!